The Truth About Food

The bathroom is often the place where most of us discover, and, we assume, go to clean up after our activities. However, it may be a place where the habits we bring with us, like the tobacco we smoke or the bottle we continue to drink. Many of us may not recognize the consequences of these addictions resulting from the same sources contributing to cardiac stress, abdominal discomfort, and hypertension. Regardless of where in the bathroom you may visit, any time you are empty-handed, consciously or unconsciously, you are contributing to your cardiac stress, peripheral tissue irritation, stress-induced blotting, and hypertension.

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Let’s say you have been sitting. As you maybe know, this can contribute to cardiac stress (Stress response), which in turn will lead to adverse impacts on your gastrointestinal tract. Before we continue, let’s take a look at how we approach, or, lack thereof, the flavors of life, with the American Health Association and the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The latter’s report summarizes the findings from 45 separate studies which resulted from its 6-year monitoring study on the nation’s total food supply. The AHA’s scientists examined the data to see which additives and chemicals were most commonly found in the food supply, and what the effects of such additives might be.

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First, scientists looked at four key food groups–cereal, poultry, dairy, leafy vegetables, and meat. They determined that cereal and poultry contained the most chemical contamination, followed by dairy, leafy vegetables, and meat. While both of these food groups contain chemical additives, the poultry and dairy products have issues because of hormones, steroids and antibiotics injected directly into the animals, which alter the normal balance of bacteria within the digestive system. The meat industry, on the other hand, processes animals to excess, often containing unnecessary antibiotics and hormones. The AHA’s scientists found that neither the total chemical contamination of the food supply nor the individual additives were known for certain–or opening to correct this imbalance.

Effects of Food Supplements: The study Didn’t determine which food supplement had the most detrimental effects, but it did consider which were least detrimental. Sandwich and peanut-grain-containing products seem to pose the most minor problem. On the other hand, milk, cheeses, and meats were found to contain additives. Since the total chemical load in the food supply is relatively low, these findings suggest that blanket restrictions on food supplement ingredients are not warranted, especially since they found that no one had died because of an adverse reaction to a particular supplement.

The AHA tips for dosing: The study shows that children should limit their exposure to specific phthalates, and pregnant women should seek sunscreens that block both iodine and DEW/DEX. To minimize exposure, they say you should limit exposure to these levels of perfluorinated chemicals (PFCs) from 10% to 35% while showering. For a more thorough review of PFCs, you may want to consult the book Toxic Beauty: A consultation or a free copy sent to you for feedback.